1 Revolver was a number 1 Eminem fan in Malawi
2 Revolver also a Liverpool die hard fan, he would walk 10pm at night to go watch Liverpool games at Chilobwe bottle stores
3 Even though some critics claimed he was not good with looks, most girls liked his looks
4 He never followed music trends, he did what he wanted with is style
5 His 1st love was music way back then he started shifting from loving music to spending more time with his girlfriend
6 No one could ever win an argument against him, he was good with debates
7 He loved spending money, he wasn’t stingy
8 Revolver and female rapper, Judagaga once dated
9 He never put money above friendship
10 He has helped to push some of the rappers who are buzzing in the industry now
Meanwhile, Revolver’s rap style has been done by Chavura in new song kuthoka ndi volver
Note: Info provided by Revolver’s ex-crew mate and best friend Chavura