The name Alex Kamonga is not strange to music enthusiasts as you may recall that some years back, he took the music industry by storm following the success of songs like Chibwana, Chuma and etc.
After some time, Kamonga went silent as he probably might have been engaged in other different endeavors beside music.
Fast forward in 2023, the Chuma hit maker has decided not to let the year pass without the drop of any of his record hence the release of this new single “Type”.
In the song, Kamonga tackles the issue that involves a certain group of people who consider themselves special and block themselves from falling in love with those they see as lower class people.

Kamonga believes this tendency is uncalled for as in the long run it brings about negative results like staying unmarried forever.
Some lyrics on the chorus of the song goes, “si type yanga si type yako, anzanu ena anathera pau batchala// si level yanga si level yanga, anzanu ena anathera ku chipatala//.
On the first verse of the song, Kamonga addresses boys and men with such choosy behavior with sample lyrics that goes like, “Achimwene vuto ndichani? Zaka zikupita simukukwatira// Mwatibweresera akazi ambirimbiri, ichi mchipwirikiti//.

While addressing ladies on the second verse, part of the lyrics goes, “Achemwali anga mwandionjeza, mwationetsa amuna ochuluka// Oyera, akuda, aatali, ofupika onse mwayenda nawo//.
Stream and Download it here
The new song has been co-produced by Dj Lobodo and Zambia’s very own Jerry Fingers. The Lilongwe based artist ventured into the music scene in early 2008 and has three albums to his name.