Malawian Music verge on growing each and everyday as new artists are being introduced time and again. Talking of new artists that have discovered a good taste to their materials one is Harris Msosa a young Gospel artist that is enjoying airplays on various local radios and online platforms. Harris Msosa latest single called zitikwanile features the legendary sensational singer and vocalist Evance Watsopano Meleka.

The song talks about how people stay unsatisfied with life, as the title suggests the song plea to people to be satisfied with what God is giving them. In an interview, Harris described the song  as a prayer to many people

People are not satisfied with everything that God has given them

Speaking on his collaboration with the ‘yanokola‘ Hit maker, Msosa said Meleka is his insipiration.  “I featured Evance Watsopano Mereka because in him l see potential and evance is a high level talented artist which every song of him contains powerful,amazing and touching rylics” he said. ” I see a good future in music as l have seen alot of people have already started appreciating and being blessed with my songs and they are giving me encouragement to go far with my music ministry” added Msosa

I see a good future in music

However, the singer promised fans more music “People out there should expect more from me as l have come to stay in the music industry, they will see more from me as l take music to another level and People can differentiate me from other artist because am who l am. I dont copy what others are singing l just sing what l must sing not copying from others” He ellaborated.

l have come to stay in the music industry

Harris Msosa was born on 12 November 1991 at Lumbadzi hospital and is a last born in a family of 5 members 3 boys and 2 girls. He started singing in the year 2000 when he joined St. Colomba nursery choir. Harris has also sang in Chikwawa Cappso choir and Scom choir as well when he was learning at Chikwawa Secondary School in the year 2010 and 2011

In the year 2011 Harris went to True tone Studio, he recorded 2 songs that were produced by Collen Alli but he did’nt submit his songs to the Radio stations since he was young.

Listen to Zitikwanire song feat Evance Meleka by downloading it here:



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