He`s 25 years old: he was born on 14 august 1992
He is the last born in the family of 4 boys and 4 girls
His favourite food is Nsima with local chicken
He comes from Mulanje district in the Area of Traditional Authority Mabuka
He has been around with his both parents throughout his entire childhood
He has no regrets for whatever right or bad thing that ever happened in his life as believes in working hard and not giving up
He recorded his first album between 2008 and 2009 titled “Zonse Ndi Nthawi” which had 10 songs
In 2010, he recorded 2 singles, “Alimanjamanja” and “Agwire Yekha” which made him more popular
His bestselling album is “Khuzumule” which was recorded in 2012.
He also has a third album titled “Muzaone” which was recorded in 2013
At some point, he spent 4 years without releasing any album because of pirates
Thomas Chibade is his favourite Malawian artist
Download his latest song titled Popoo! here>>>http://m.malawi-music.com/song.php?id=8312