Matumbi and Bokosi are alive and well.

While the false rumours that Nyakwawa Matumbi had passed away were still fresh, it seems more badmind people were also busy spreading rumours of the death of Malume Bokosi.

“Sizabwino kuti munthu udzimva za imfa yako yomwe pa Facebook… I received so many calls from people inquiring about my ‘death.’ It’s not true, I am strong and healthy and I am not at all sick. This is confusing and I have been affected surely,” Bokosi said.
Malume Bokosi hails from Machinga. He is famous for songs such as “Alimi Tidalakwanji” and “Akuvulalia Nkati”. Bokosi’s catalogue consists of five albums.
Kukamwa Kwangotiuma is Malume Bokosi’s biggest seller, selling over 200,000 copies in its first year of release.

Fellow musician, Ann Matumbi also had to dispel rumors surrounding his death.

On Thursday afternoon, a false rumour was spread via Facebook that Matumbi, whose real name is Chiyanjano Muheziwa, was no more after a short illness and that his remains were in the mortuary at Kamuzu Central Hospital, KCH.

Matumbi hinted that he will record a song this week to hit back at the master-minders of his ‘sudden death.’

“Anthu ena osowa zochita mwafalitsa uthenga wokuti ine ndafa. Kufa kwa ambuye anu mupatse ine? Ine ndikumalandira ma telefoni kuchokera kunja ngati ku UK kumandifunsa zoti ndafa. Ndili nanu nanu ndipo ndikulowa mu studio ndinkhani imeneyi”

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